Monday, December 29, 2008

A good laugh

As I was searching for some simple verses to teach Samara I ran across this site. I am not one to dismiss teaching before reading and testing it against the Word. I typically find that most conservative teachings line up with what I believe so I don't let denominational titles get in my way.

There seem to be some really great biblical teachings on this site as well as some shady stuff. From what I can tell these are KJV only fundamental Baptists and they believe in things like men keeping their hair short, women wearing skirts, etc. There were a few things that caught my eye but this one I just couldn't keep to myself......

The baby should sleep all night. Early the child should be made to conform to the sleep requirements of Mom and Dad. When a child cries at night he is either hungry, dirty, stuck with a pin or sick. In every case there should be some relief available. If none of the foregoing is true, I would suggest a spanking and let the baby cry himself to sleep. If crying persists, you may want to move the child to another room out of earshot. It is essential that Mom and Dad get their proper rest.

I'm pretty sure I could read that a hundred times and get a giggle every time. It is just funny. Seriously.....does your Bible say that? I mean, I have no problem giving Sam a good smack on the hiney when she needs it, but really? an infant? The whole paragraph just seems so cruel and self serving.....and funny.......goofy funny......

this one is pretty comical too.....

The baby's crying might better be stopped with a spanking than by picking him up. If there are not tears, you can safely assume that it is self-will asserting itself. Grandparents tend to spoil babies by picking them up often. This should be discouraged.

those durn grandparents, what are we going to do with them?

Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Gifts

Some of you are wondering what in the world I could have made for here goes it!

For the parentals I made birdseed wreaths......isn't watching birds something all old people like to do? Just kidding Mom& Dad!

My niece got a bow holder......empty, mind you. My plan was to make several bows and attach them but there wasn't time for all that.

My nephew got this cool crayon roll......the first pic is of it rolled up and ready to go and the second is in use.

My nephew also got this travel race track......little boys and their cars.

It has a small track......

A large track.......

And a place to store the cars.

He also got this "I SPY" bag. It has a bunch of little trinkets inside for them to find.....the list of everything in the bag is attached to the side.

I also made an "I SPY" bag for my niece and nephew on my side of the family for Mom to put in their stockings and made one to give at our Bible Study class party.

I painted two plates that have a verse and the kids names. These were for Josh's brother and SIL and the other for our Preschool minister and Sam's SS teacher (conveniently they happen to be married). I don't have a picture of these.....I will try to get one and post it.....I lost it in the crash.
In the midst of all this I was trying to work on our Advent garland......I also lost these pictures in the crash......and started making Jesse Tree ornaments but gave up until after the holidays.

I also made Sam a Christmas skirt......which she ended up wearing in our Christmas card pictures even though I thought it was super cheesy!

I still have so many other things I want to make but I am giving it a break while Josh is home. Aren't I sweet?


That's what Sam says when something is gross and that's exactly what her eyes are right now.

She woke up this morning with one eye matted shut and the other almost as bad. Really freaked Josh out. I cleaned all that goop out (though not without a fight) but it continues to come back. She looks so pitiful, eyes all red and puffy. Poor girl!

For whatever reason it seems that the sickness is worse than normal in our house this year. Just pray that she heals quickly and that she doesn't pass it on to Bub. We missed church AGAIN today! Can't wait to have everyone well for longer than a week!

Saturday, December 27, 2008


To start Christmas off we went to my parents. We actually had everyone there! That means Mom & Dad, my grandparents, all four kids and their spouses and all 9 grandkids! It gets a little crazy! Sam always enjoys herself with all the kids! This was really the first Christmas that she got excited about the presents!

Here you see her ripping into her new kitchen. She was so excited to play with it after we got it together the next day that she didn't want to take a nap!

Oh my goodness......I laughed my bohiney off over this. Apparently you can "elf yourself" and Mom "elfed" her, Dad, my Granny & Papaw, and my brother Matt. It was hilarious!

As you can see, my grandparents really got a kick out of it! I think my grandma was a tad embarrassed! (I'll see if I can post it????)

My Mom made my niece Parker a nightgown and matching nightgowns for her dolls! I remember having a matching outfit with my Cabbage Patch!!!! She also made the doll on the right....sooo cute! (Isn't my Mom hot!)

Here is the picture of all 9 grandkids with Nini & Papa.....boy was that interesting.....turned out decent, all things considered!

Here you can see Sam whipping us up some eggs in her new kitchen after we got the 8 billion pieces put together!

Christmas Eve we went over to the in-laws. We had a little visit from Santa while there! Before my Grandpa had the strokes, he was Santa at NorthEast Mall and some city functions for years.......Mom & Dad decided to put the suit to good use this year. Dad put on the suit and made the rounds! It was ton of fun!
I'm glad I didn't take the kids to see Santa this year......this was as close as Sam was getting to that jolly old man and that was only because he was handing out gifts!

Of course Little Man sat up there.

Christmas morning was ours. We just let Sam open her stocking and the couple of gifts we got for her. It was fun to let her enjoy each present as she opened it rather than rushing through them just for the sake of getting them open!

This was right after she woke up! (I'm a sucker for yawns......they are just so stinkin' cute to me!)

Just after waking up he is still all smiles!

Josh playing Sam's new harmonica.....trying to teach her!

And Sam trying it out.......she never could blow hard enough for it to make noise......she certainly tried though.

How sweet......Sam feeding her brother her fake food!

Christmas afternoon we picked up Josh's grandmother and went out to Joey's. Levi got a little electric 4 wheeler that you see Sam driving here. There is a video on Josh's blog if you are interested. Personally it is waaaayyyy too long for me but Josh thinks it is soooo cool! It is a guy, Daddy thing I guess! I have to admit it was pretty cute watching them drive around and play together though. (Levi already had the little race car he is driving)

Josh has a new extension to his can see it here!

Sam was funny. After several times of me gasping and saying,"Oh boy" after she opened her gift, she caught on. She would do it every time she opened anything.....whether she knew what it was or not! It was quite humorous.

Spencer's spoils consisted of a new car seat, clothes, and a few toys! He seriously has everything already. The outfit Josh is holding up is his favorite!

It is pretty funny as a parent what little things make you happy. Sam got this AquaDoodle for Christmas and someone asked her to draw a circle. That is her circle you see on the bottom right corner of the mat.......isn't that awesome? I don't know if that is even good for her age but I was impressed! She has also been working on a isn't near as good as that circle but I'm sure it won't be long the way she is.

And there you have it my friends......697 pictures condensed for your viewing pleasure! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!


I am a little frustrated right now because I had written a really long post and lost it all. I will try to get it all out again!

My computer has gone to be with Jesus! It is pretty sad. I am bummed because I lost all my pictures since Spence was born! I tried to back them up a few times unsuccessfully and now they are gone......tears.

We had a wonderful Christmas holiday celebrating our saviors birth and hanging out with family! Josh is just happy to have me back after some serious crafting. I made all of the gifts we gave this year so I have been super busy getting it all busy in fact that Josh was ready to throw my crafts out the window. I am pleased that I was able to make everything this year (oh, except for the itunes gift card we got for my niece....and that was only because I messed up the case I was making her, we had to get something last minute) and I will try to post the stuff I made at some point.

I will try to catch up a bit from missing for so long but I really don't remember anything past this morning so I am just going by the pictures that I have!

I just adore this picture so I had to add it.......I wish there wasn't the shadow on the right side...oh well.

Here she got hold of a marker and went to town all over her hands, arms and face! Mom says it isn't payback until she colors all over the walls!

This is our Christmas tree. I am debating about when to take it down. I love it so. It isn't really all that pretty but I just like it sitting there glowing makes me happy! (do you like our 90's excersaucer? it works just fine but it makes me laugh when I think about the colors and the pattern of the seat! I am just grateful that it was given to us.)

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I painted this about 3 years ago and I absolutely LOVE it. (Can I say that?) I can't wait to get it out each year.....I feel like it really adds something's like a shout out to Jesus!

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Is this not the cutest picture? His new thing is to stick his fingers in his mouth and chew on them.

I LOVE this picture!

Here is my little goofus.....she was actually hammin' it up for the camera for once! (too bad she didn't have that leg down when I snapped the shot)

This is just a glimpse into the hilarity of our picture session! I knew it was going to be a joke but it HAD to be done. Here she is jumping like a frog in between Spencer's legs!

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Oh yes, this is one of Sam's favorite things to do. I give her a little water in a cup and she goes to town painting our door, which is covered in chalkboard paint.

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I will try to get pics of Christmas posted soon!

Dumb & Thankful

Well, I finally have my microwave back! For those of you who don't know, I have been without a microwave for over a month now. It has been interesting to say the least but you a little more respect for the people back in the day.

The reason I have been without is because one day the breaker blew and we couldn't figure out how to get it to work again......Josh tried another breaker & a larger breaker and neither worked. I had my Dad check into getting an electrician out here (my Dad has connections). Must have been the Lord that he wasn't able to get anyone out here!

While out to dinner with one of Josh's customers he just happened to ask if he knew anything about electricity......and he did! So we explained the problem and what we had done to try to remedy the problem and he says, "You haven't seen anything spark or anything like that?" Ummmm, yes, as a matter of fact I have.

I should have STUPID stamped across my forehead for this one.

When I went to get something out of the cabinet over the microwave I accidentally bumped the wires and noticed it spark. I really didn't think too much about it since it had happened before. (NICE!) I realize now that the next time I tried to use the microwave, the lights in the laundry room popped and then realized the breaker had been blown. I tried to turn it back on but figured out that I couldn't just flip it back on. Honestly, I didn't think this was that big of a deal because the spark had happened before and I mentioned it to Josh with no reaction. If you know Josh, he doesn't hear everything he acts like he hears. He dismissed it at the time and I did not realize it was because he wasn't actually listening!

No matter, when we got home Josh connected the wires again and put wire nuts on and everything works like a charm. Seriously.....if you like me you should be thanking God that I am still alive! I can't help it that I am a do-do and I guess He cuts me some slack because He knows it too!

I can see my Dad right now, head down shaking, saying, "Oh Reagan." This isn't the first time I have accidentally done something dangerous! Oh well! We are okay and all is well!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Check it out!

So, I guess Josh couldn't stand for me to be cooler than him so he started a blog.

Gotta say.......there are only 3 posts so far but there is some darn good stuff on there!

Go check it out if you have a chance.......

(it won't always be ugly......i am working on an outfit for him.....which is proving to be much more difficult than designing something for a girl)

Friday, December 19, 2008


It isn't for a lack of trying, people. EVERY stinkin' time I try to do ANYTHING with my pics my computer crashes! Seriously annoying! If it's not one thing, it's another! The frustration is mounting! This computer is quickly becoming a nice piece of trash! IF and when I can ever get some pics loaded I will write a ridiculously long post about what's been going on in my world lately! Hope you are all as excited as I about spending time with the fam this next week and celebrating the greatest birthday EVER!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Did You Know?

My FAVORITE TV show ever is in Keller, TX......just 15 minutes away! Extreme Home Makeover is here this week building a house for the Augustin Family. They seem like a very neat family. I can't wait to see the episode.......there is just something extra cool about having it happen in your backyard! I have always thought this show is the best representation of Christ in the secular world and it warms my heart EVERY time!

And I just had to mention this because I think it is so cool. You can see from this destruction photo that someone wrote a prayer or a verse or something on the Sheetrock. I have heard of they are building your home, go in and write scripture on the Sheetrock so that your house will be bathed in the Word.....I have always thought that was the coolest idea! Anyway......just thought it was cool so I had to share!

UPDATE: So....I get my researchyness (yes, I know it's not a word) from my Dad and he actually thought to Google what he could read. Turns out they are lyrics to a song "Still". They must have written them recently because their house was destroyed by flood waters. How cool! Makes me wonder if I would see this tragedy as they did!


Hide me now, under Your wings.
Cover me within Your mighty hand.

When the oceans rise
and thunders roar.
I will soar with You, above the storm
Father You are king over the flood,
I will be still and know You are God.

Find rest my soul in Christ alone,
Know his power, in quiteness and trust.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Biblically Based Parenting

I have pretty much quit reading parenting books across the board. Many times they are filled with the same stuff and are rarely based solely on scripture. This one is different.

I'm on my 4th or 5th read of this book so I figured it was probably something someone else might be interested in as well..... I happened upon it while working at Mardel.

Sometimes I get so confused as to how to put all of the Bible into my parenting. This book has been a GREAT help. She uses Psalm 127:1 as a framework for her book.....starting it out with the building the foundation and ending with installing locks and an alarm system. She does this in 2-3 page chapters, each beginning with 3+ verses that she is walking you through. She usually gives a life example, What Parents Can Do section, and a prayer for you and your children. Each chapter is quick and could choose to read it through or hit by topic as you need it.

WARNING: This is not for the lukewarm Christian. The suggestions she makes many times make me think......WOW......I am going to have to work on that before I can teach my children to be that way! She is radical, straight from scripture!

As with any book, there are times when I don't completely agree with her but overall this book has been a FANTASTIC resource.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Night Night Juice

Just thought you should know that my daughter is currently rocking her juice cup to sleep and singing it "Rock-a-bye-baby". Ummm, ya......can you say STRANGE! I love that girl.......her imagination is beginning to run wild and I LOVE it!

OH..... and this girl is good for a Momma's self-esteem....... yesterday we were just hanging out and she blurts out, "Mommy so pretty!" great is that!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Whew! It's a busy time of year!

So, things have been crazy lately.......I apologize for my absence. The fam continued to get sick, I decorated for Christmas, the computer has been giving me trouble, I have like 8 billion things to make before Christmas, Josh has been home more (which leaves me with less time rather than more), I helped Mom with decorations for her tree, we have had(and will continue to have) a ton of events to attend. All of that said, I am certain my time will be limited for the blog. I will try to get some pics up soon but don't be expecting quantity again until after Christmas.

I have had several inquiries about the continuation of my story......I will continue, I promise, I just haven't had the time and energy.

Thanks to everyone for sticking with me! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Very Possibly the Most Terrifying Moment of My Life!

Whew.....yesterday was rough. It was wonderful day with family but we noticed Samara seemed like she wasn't feeling well once we got to Mom's and she started playing (though she seemed fine in the morning). I thought.....surely not.....she's only been off her antibiotics (for an ear infection) for a couple of days.....she couldn't possibly be sick again. Silly assumption. When she started "acting" know....the whine about everything, every little thing is a huge deal stuff, and I said something about it, Mom mentioned that she looked like she didn't feel good to her.

On the way out the door to head to Joey's for the Martin Thanksgiving I felt Samara and she was BURNING up. UGH! We got to Joey's and immediately took her temperature....101.7. (Sorry Karen.....I had NO idea) She wouldn't even get down to play with Levi. She just wanted one of us to hold her and moaned and groaned. Poor baby. We gave her some Motrin and she perked up. The Motrin was still working when we got home so we will see what she feels like when she gets up this morning.

And on to the story......

So, last night we got home about 9:00 which was WAY past Sam's bedtime and time for Spencer to eat. Josh got Samara all ready and I got Spencer's bottle ready. Josh tried to put Sam to sleep but she wanted to rock (that's her thing when she's tired) so Josh took her into the living room to rock her for a bit. After getting Spencer's bottle ready I headed back to our bedroom. I typically feed him on our bed. I sat him on the bed and put the bottle down beside him. He wasn't screaming for it yet so I thought, "I'm going to change clothes and take out my contacts (which were killing me)." I made sure he was up there good, pulled the pillow around to kind of guard him and headed to the bathroom to change.

As I was putting my night shirt on I heard this awful crack sound. I knew . I RAN.....I mean bolted around the corner to find Spencer on the floor next to my bed. I screamed bloody murder, I mean a blood curdling tears, I just kept screaming as I scooped him up and started crying out to God. I ran toward the living room.....frantic and screaming. Of course, Josh met me halfway, bolting around the corner into the hallway....."what, what, what?"


I honestly hadn't even stopped long enough to assess the damage. I knew he wasn't bleeding but I didn't know anything else. Meeting up with Josh allowed me to slow down and take a look. I was so afraid of what I would find. He seemed fine and I was able to calm him down. I just sat there and rocked him and cried. I felt like we should take him to the emergency clinic or SOMETHING but Josh just kept saying, "he's fine Reagan, he's fine."

You need to understand that we have stained CONCRETE floors. When I heard the crack I just knew things were going to be bad. Once I had him calmed down and was able to go back to get his bottle I realized that it was the bottle that had made the spine tingling crack, not his head. After the heat of the moment and I went through the situation in my head again, I'm not sure he was even crying when I found him on the floor. I have this book pocket that slips in between my mattress and box spring. Yesterday morning I noticed it had fallen out and onto the floor. We were in a hurry to leave so I didn't bother putting it back. When I snatched Spencer up, he was lying on that.....a cushion, if you will. After replaying the situation, all I can do is praise God for his protection. That 12" spot was the ONLY area that had anything for him to fall on besides the hard floor.

I think I scared him more by my screaming than the actual fall. I freaked Josh and Samara out beyond belief as well. She kept crying and saying, "Mommy hurt, Bubba hurt," over and over. Needless to say that it took some work on Josh's part to get her calmed down and into bed.

I just cried.....and cried.....and cried. I was so ashamed at stupid! All I can figure is that he was trying to get that bottle and it was rolling, so he was chasing it.....right off the bed.

While I realize he is fine, that was so incredibly terrifying! I freaked people. It scares me. It makes me nervous that I can't seem to do anything when my child is hurt. My Mom has told me before, "You've got to get it together Reagan. You have to be able to take care of your kids if they get hurt; you can't just freeze up." And look what I did!

It was a bad night.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Is there really anything I CAN'T give thanks for? Even if I wasn't called to give thanks in all situations, I still would be able to give thanks for ALL things in my life.

I do think that some things in life are both a blessing and a curse.....things that are enjoyable but pull me away from the thing that matters God.


I feel like writing out SOME things I am thankful matter how long I make this list it will still be condensed.....

1. FIRST and FOREMOST I am thankful that God chased me down.....that even though I never went looking for Him, he put all the right things in my life at the right time and the Holy Spirit changed me......that He deemed me worthy of sending his Son to die on the cross for my sins.
2. I am thankful for the most AMAZING family. While I know that you may have the most amazing family for YOU, I have the most AMAZING family for ME. He has given me just what I need.
3. I am thankful for a husband that loves me.
4. I am thankful for healthy children.
5. I am thankful that Josh has a job and that I can stay home with the kiddos.
5. I am thankful for the house He has given us.
6. I am thankful that every single day of my life I have had food to eat and even more that I have always had food for my children to eat.
7. I am thankful that we have a wonderful church home and a great group of people to fellowship with.
8. I am thankful that I have clothes to wear that are appropriate for every season and that I can clothe my children.
9. I am thankful that we have 2 vehicles (and I would still be thankful if we had only 1)
10. I am thankful that I have a computer and the ability to get on the Internet.
11. I am thankful that I have a sewing machine.
12. I am thankful that my parents are still married and their parents are still married. (my Dad's parents are both deceased but they were still married when they died)(how many people can say that?)(it is a legacy that I am committed to uphold as well)
13. I am thankful that I live in a country where I am free.
14. I am thankful that I have a Bible (actually an abundance of Bibles)
15. I am thankful for beautiful weather.
16. I am thankful for butterflies (they remind me of my spiritual self every time I see one)
17. I am thankful for clean, warm, running water in my home.
18. I am thankful for electricity.
19. I am thankful for washing machines and dishwashers.
20. I am thankful that Sam has every toy under the sun that she could ever dream of wanting to play with (ok, so I'm not so thankful for the ridiculous number but I am at least thankful that she has toys) I said.....the list could go on......I will spare you as I'm sure you stopped at #2......and I am sure I will post this and then think....."how could I not put that one"........but you can certainly tell that I am BLESSED!

*UPDATE* OK, I somehow managed to forget a VERY important one.
~I am thankful to have a to have a camera.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Silly kid

Well, the babe has been born. Carson Mullins was born on Friday November 21. The 9th addition for the grandparents(my parents)! WOW!

We got to spend the day Saturday just hanging out. Sunday we went to church......we actually went to the 8am service so J could watch Da Boys. After naps we went to Uncle Joey & Aunt Mimi's. I hadn't seen Miss Lexi Kay since the day she came home from the hospital so I was excited to finally see her again!

Thank you all for your prayers for Sam. Today she said, "my tummy hurts," for the first time in over a week. It has been a LONG time since she has gone that long without saying something like that. We are still not sure what all that is about but she seems to be feeling better.

My Sami is so cute! Her new thing is telling me who is a boy and who is girl. She will go through the list, "Daddy's a boy. Mommy's a guwrul. Nini's a guwrul. Papa's a boy".......on and on the list goes. She also impressed us today when we drove by Whataburger and she shouted, "triangle." Once again, I haven't gotten around to teaching her shapes yet. She has most of her colors down so I guess she decided to shift her focus to shapes. I am always one step behind her.

Whew....we are hitting those 2's. She wants things HER way or NO way. She is extremely territorial. If something is Josh's and I am using it, she loses it......has a fit. She is constantly taking things to their owners.....drinks, shoes, pens, you name it. It's almost an obsession.

She is getting into the hyper thing. We have never really experienced this with her until just recently but oh my.....tonight she was RIDICULOUS. I am dreading those sleepovers already!

I know I haven't posted much about Spencer but it's because he doesn't do alot. He still sleeps a ton. He is still the sweetest, smiliest, good natured baby! He LOVES his big sister.....she can always make him is so cute! (there is just something about sibling love that just warms a Momma's heart)

Can't wait for Turkey Day......If I don't post before Thursday.......HAPPY THANKSGIVING.....I hope you all have a wonderful day.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Kid Stuff

Just had to show you this pic of Sam! She had a little run in with the fence while at Mom's the other night. She "needed" a band aid but Mom was afraid to put it on the actual bump so she put it to the side of can see the actual scratch on the far left side of her head (looks kinda like a shadow from her hair). Anyway.....just thought this was too cute! She is putting her hand over her mouth (her new thing) in awe!

Here is my not-so-little Little Man. The kid is getting big. He is wearing 12 month clothes already! He will be 5 months this goes by sooo fast!
Oh and here is what I walked into this morning. Sam climbed up the side of the crib, slung her leg over and hung out in there with Bub! NICE!

She is growing up WAY too fast. Daily I am amazed at the things she can do. She is now spelling her full name (and it's stinkin' cute)! She is no longer sitting on her little potty and doesn't even need a stool for the big potty......just scootches her way onto the seat! I swear she isn't even going to need me in a year! I ALWAYS underestimate what she can learn. There have been SO many times that I have told myself, "don't bother with that yet, she won't be able to do that" but time and again she has proven me wrong! I love that girl but she is Miss Independent and I am SCARED! Oh how my parents will take great joy in knowing that I will most certainly be getting back what I gave to them!

Here is her Twinkle Twinkle.....

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What I didn't tell you!

There was more to Saturday than just bargain hunting!

We also had an appointment for Samara to get the which she is still saying, "rubbin' on my tummy. look inside. lotion on my tummy." over and over and over. You never know anything at the actual ultrasound because those guys aren't really supposed to say anything but I think all was fine.

ALSO, you better watch out because I am now schooled in self-defense. Mom and I took a self-defense class at the martial arts studio my brother works at part-time. It was actually kinda fun- minus the seriousness of the actual situation we were preparing for. I came home and tested out some of my moves on the big J man! I think he was somewhat impressed!

Anyhow.....Sam seems to be feeling better! Thank goodness! Thank you for all of your prayers!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Flea Market Finds

OOOHHHH.....maybe my ALL TIME favorite past time. Thrift shopping. Pretty much EVERYONE thinks I am nuts.....buying JUNK! I am totally one of those trash to treasure people. I LOVE seeing something that once looked like trash transform into something beautiful! I suppose it's why I am also a sucker for makeover shows!

Saturday morning the city of NRH put on a flea market and I had FUN! Josh watched the kids (thanks sweet love) while I perused the grounds! I only spent about $20 but I got some cool stuff....not to mention a few things I had been looking for and would have paid full price for!

I took some pics of a few of the things. Just keep in mind that many of these things will be "repurposed"!

I actually haven't decided if I will be painting this horse or not. It was too cute not to pass up. I am putting shelves up in Sam's room and I will decide once I get those up and it on there.

I have been collecting these milk glass bud vases for some time now. I already had these shelves up in my kitchen but I found a few more vases to add to my collection! (yes, my house is old and YES, I know the soffits date my kitchen!)
Oh....and silly as it may be, these are probably my FAVORITE finds. FUN vintage books! The sewing book is absolutely scrumptious!
I mean, check out these pages! The copyright is from 1972 so it is a blast to look at! (check out those flounce pants on the far right side)
I bought this little planter to paint and use as a toothbrush holder! The shelves will be painted and go in Sam's room!
I got a ton of cool frames to paint and this really cool bronze plate thing (it's big). I can't decide if I am going to hang it on the wall or put it on the kitchen table as part of a centerpiece!
Oh.....and I have a soft spot for vintage sheets! I am absolutely in LOVE with the one on the far right!
And finally, I found this neato chair! It needs some TLC but has GREAT bones! (and Sam took right to it) It is really different......short and fat......I thought it appropriate for me :) JK....kind of.

I also got a pillow for my bed, some fabric, a plant stand and some other odds and ends!

I was giddy when I got home......even though I knew I would have to face eyes rolling and sighs! That is what I call QUALITY alone time!
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