Friday, March 26, 2010

The Stinkin' Heater

Well, we have been without heat for almost 2 weeks now. We were doing OK for the first 5 days or was only getting down to about 62 degrees at night although I wasn't getting much done because I just wanted to stay curled up on the couch covered in a blanket all day.....but we were definitely surviving.

Thank you Texas for totally messing that up! It started getting cooler, & even ended up SNOWING. I knew we weren't going to be able to stay there any longer when I saw that in the forecast. So last Wednesday we went & invaded Mom & Dad's. What an ordeal! You wouldn't believe how much junk you need!

Here is the crew watching TV on the air mattress one morning.

It is such a blessing to have family close. I know they get tired of us at times but really, we are so grateful!

We were/are trying to save money so that's why this is taking so long. First I had to wait on Josh to get home to see what the problem was. Then once he figured it out we had to wait on the part to come in. Once we got the part in, he put it on & there was ANOTHER error code. We now are waiting for that part(should be in today). Josh should be home this evening to hopefully put it on. Praying this will fix the problem & we can GO HOME!

Staying at my parents has been interesting! S3 is back to crying all the time so that has been especially fun for them! The big kids are sharing a room so that has brought about some challenges itself. & most of all we are making an enormous mess of their house! It has been a huge blessing to have somewhere to go but we are all tired & ready to be home!

This is so annoying.....I can NOT get this picture to be upright in is fine in my picture manager.....grr.....oh well, you get the idea.......

& another one for ya.....

Thank you Mom& Dad for putting up with the incessant screaming & crying! I know it can be maddening!

There are benefits to staying at grandma & grandpa' M&M's & Oreos! It has also been nice to have an extra hand at times!

Here are S1 & S2 playing together......I just love this picture!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Finally Introducing S3

How about starting this out by introducing the newest Martin family member,
He was born October 10 & weighed a whoppin' 6lbs 14oz. Thank you Lord for allowing me to carry small babies! I have friends who birth toddlers.....ummmm, no thank you!

He is the smilin'est, crankiest, Momma's boy in the whole world! He came out crying & really hasn't stopped. He is either smiling all over or screaming & crying.......quite the character! In fact he will even smile right in the middle of a tantrum!

(See, I told you he screams)

His sister loves him to pieces. She adored him from the minute she set eyes on him! She says, "I love you Saywer." "I love you too." How can you not love someone when you get to decide everything they say? It is so funny when she does that.

Spencer pretty much just ignored him for the first 4 months. Just recently has he started to take interest. He isn't near as interested as Sam but I think he will really enjoy him once he gets movin'.

Everyone thought he looked just like S1 for a long time but he is beginning to take on his own look. His personality is definitely more like S1 than S2. He is a pretty good night sleeper & a terrible day sleeper (could have something to do with the noise level in the house during the day). He hasn't gotten into any schedule yet which is just annoying. He likes to be entertained constantly. He has the sweetest most amazing smile that just moves throughout his entire body.

S3 has no doubt been the most challenging baby but he is still such an amazing joy! We are so blessed!

Here he is now!
5 months old

And here is just a glimpse of him smiling all over! It is precious!

More on the other two later......they are getting so stinkin' big!

Monday, March 22, 2010


So....we had an extended day at Mom's Touch this morning. One of my Mom friends was teaching another about the ins & outs of blogging. We got to talking about it & I realized how sad I am that I have missed so much of the kids lives over the past few months by not blogging.

I am determined to get back to blogging. I know that I had several people following the blog but more important than that, it is such a wonderful record of the kids lives. I remember nothing & this has been a place to record those things that I am certain the kids would want to know one day down the road.

Kimberly mentioned that I never finished my story (thanks for the reminder). I am sorry for leaving you hanging. I promise to finish my story over the course of the next several months.

I also mentioned that I had written Sawyer's birth story but it was obviously too late to post. Leslie assured me that it is not too late. She reminded me that it is about having the record.....not always about pleasing the readers. will also likely see Sawyer's birth story showing up in the near future.
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