I have been contemplating changing to cloth for some time now. In fact I thought I wanted to start Spencer out in cloth but it just never happened. I made one diaper, did very little research, had leaks & moved on. BUT, when I found out #4 was on the way & that meant 3 in diapers, my attitude changed a bit. The cloth diapering became more of a financial necessity.
Sooo, I did a TON of research & finally decided on what CD method I was going to use. Sounds kinda goofy, I know, but there are so many different choices. I found a ton of great sources but my favorite was probably Green Mountain Diapers, which provided a wealth of valuable information. The whole point for me in this is to save money. While I do like to be GREEN, the financial situation was certainly the deciding factor on this venture.Because I was going the frugal route, I chose prefolds & covers. (He has a cover just like the one above!) This is more like old-fashioned CD'ing that most of you are familiar with. It seemed that all the reviews kept saying that people would try the other types.......AIO's, pockets, fitteds, etc. but they would always fall back on their prefolds & really thought that they were the best, even though they might not be the most convenient.
Well, since I stay home MOST of the time, I didn't figure I had a good excuse NOT to use the prefolds. So, I bit the bullet & ordered enough to get me going. CD'ing takes quite a bit of prep work so I didn't get to get started the minute my stuff arrived like I like to. Because I chose organic, unbleached prefolds it took even more work. I had to wash & dry them a zillion times to get them going. I also had to lanolize my wool cover which basically just helps it to repel water.
After a couple of days of getting the diapers prepped (which really wasn't that big of a deal & only has to be done once), I jumped right in! I have to say that I am thoroughly impressed. I have not had even ONE leak yet! They are actually quite simple to do & they are simple enough to wash & dry. I honestly thought I would hate it & just deal with it because it was something that needed to be done but I have been pleasantly surprised. I didn't even change him in the middle of the night last night & to my surprise he woke up with dry clothes! I have been putting the wool cover on him at night & it has worked perfectly!
This is not Sawyer but this is what his wool cover looks like! SO CUTE!
I do have to say that I have yet to get Josh to change a diaper. BUT, my Mom eagerly tried after seeing how simple it is these days & she did just fine! She even used diaper pins the other day because she couldn't find the Snappi (WOW!). There is this thing called a Snappi that is so cool! No more diaper pins......that never would have worked for me.....I am WAY too clumsy. My poor child would have been a bloody mess. The Snappi keeps the prefolds together under the cover. And the covers are no longer "rubber pants" like they were in the past. In fact, they can be quite cute! They are now much more like disposable diapers with either velcro or snaps & come in lots of different patterns.This isn't Sawyer either but I thought you might like to see the prefold & the Snappi (the light green thing) in action!
Oh geez.....& how did I forget the best part of modern CD'ing??? Flushable liners! They have these wonderful flushable liners that you put right on top of the prefold & if a poopy comes along, you can just pull that mess out of there with the liner & throw it all in the potty! Woohoo!
He does have a massive booty now.....looks like he's got some junk in the trunk......but I suppose I am willing to sacrifice!